Welcome to Cuyabeno Wildlife Center, 25 years of expertise

7-day Peru Border Explorer

Get ready to embark on a journey deep into the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where you’ll experience the thrill of camping in the wild and discovering the stunning beauty of this untouched corner of the world. Follow our expert guides as we venture towards the border of Peru, exploring the hidden secrets of the jungle and encountering exotic wildlife along the way. From breathtaking vistas to heart-pumping activities, this tour promises to be an unforgettable experience for all adventure seekers.



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7-Day Peru Border Explorer

Get ready to embark on a journey deep into the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where you’ll experience the thrill of camping in the wild and discovering the stunning beauty of this untouched corner of the world. Follow our expert guides as we venture towards the border of Peru, exploring the hidden secrets of the jungle and encountering exotic wildlife along the way. From breathtaking vistas to heart-pumping activities, this tour promises to be an unforgettable experience for all adventure seekers.


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The Amazonian Expedition

Day 1: Arrival, First Animal Spotting & Into the Jungle After Dark

  • The adventure begins at 9:30 AM at Hotel D’ Mario’s restaurant in Lago Agrio. Whether you arrive by public bus, shuttle bus, or your own private transport, this is where we will meet. For those who prefer to fly, the nearest airport is located in Coca City. Be sure to check our transportation guide for more information.

  • After that, you’ll travel by private bus for about two hours to the “Tierras Orientales” village and canoe pickup point on the Aguarico River. Here, you’ll have a boxed lunch and switch to a motorized canoe. The journey continues along the river for about 3 hours, taking you to “La Bocana,” where the Aguarico River meets the Cuyabeno River. You’ll have the chance to see pink river dolphins and explore the primary and secondary forests with a knowledgeable guide.

  • Notably, many of these fascinating creatures can be readily seen without the assistance of binoculars. However, if you possess a pair, it’s encouraged to bring them along. Alternatively, we will happily provide binoculars to enhance your viewing experience.
  • The next leg of the journey takes you 20 minutes up the Cuyabeno River to reach our Amazon Lodge on the shores of “Laguna San Francisco” within the Cuyabeno reserve. Along the way, you’ll encounter a diverse array of wildlife, including monkeys, birds, reptiles, and aquatic mammals.

  • Upon arrival at around 4:30 pm, take some time to settle in and explore the stunning surroundings of the lodge. Indulge in a delicious dinner while our local guide outlines the thrilling activities planned for the following days.
  • Under the cloak of night, we will embark on a guided expedition along the trails encircling the lodge. This walk will unveil intriguing nocturnal animals, including insects, spiders, amphibians, and arboreal snakes among other unique species. 

Day 2: Parrot Clay Lick, Deep Jungle Walk, Bird Observation Tower & Thrilling Night Walk

  • At 5:30 am, a 1.5-hour excursion on the Cuyabeno River in a motorized canoe begins. This is the perfect time to spot a wide variety of birds and other wildlife. You’ll reach “Saladero,” a clay lick where five distinct species of colorful parrots and parakeets gather to feed on mineral-rich clay that purifies their bodies. After this captivating morning, return to the lodge for breakfast and a well-deserved rest.

  • After some rest, your local guide will invite you to join a short but enriching walk. During this exploration, you’ll learn about the ancestral wisdom passed down through generations, focusing on the practical uses of medicinal plants in the forest. This experience will be enlightening and immersive. Then, return to the lodge for a delicious lunch.

  • In the late afternoon at 4:00 pm, the adventure continues with a short canoe ride to the Birding Observational Tower, constructed around one of the region’s largest Kapok trees, reaching a height of 28 meters (65 feet). From here, you’ll have a stunning view of the forest canopy and the opportunity to observe and listen to a variety of forest animals.

  • After descending from the tower, a short night walk around the area promises to reveal new species of insects. Finally, return to the lodge where a freshly prepared dinner will be served.

Day 3: Paddle Canoe Excursion, Cuyabeno River Adventure, Zancudococha Walk and Swim & Camping

  • The adventure starts at 6:00 am, just before dawn. You’ll begin with a paddle canoe excursion to fully immerse yourself in the lush rainforest. This serene experience allows you to get up close and personal with the wide array of bird and mammal species that call this ecosystem home. Afterward, you’ll return to the camp for a delightful breakfast.

  • Following a short rest, prepare your luggage as instructed by the guide for a camping adventure. You’ll use a motor canoe to navigate the Cuyabeno River, searching for forest animals and enjoying the view at “Bocana,” where the pink river dolphins can be seen. Here, you’ll experience the colorful waters of the Aguarico River and the dark Cuyabeno River.

  • Continue your journey on the Aguarico River for about 2 hours until you reach the disembarking point “Iripari.” Enjoy a boxed lunch and then embark on a short walk along a trail leading to one of the largest freshwater lagoons in the Amazon, “Zancudococha.” After enjoying the lagoon and the sunset landscape, you can take a refreshing dip in the cool waters before heading to the camping site for a delicious dinner.

  • Before retiring for the evening, your guide will discuss the activities for the following day and provide an informational presentation about the area you’ll be visiting.

Day 4: Unique Ecosystems, Canoe to Lagartococha, Border with Peru & Camping

  • The day begins at 6:00 am as you set off in a motor canoe to explore the “Moretal,” a unique floating forest ecosystem in the Amazon rainforest. This area is characterized by the presence of majestic “Morete Palm” trees. After this immersive experience, return to the lodge for a hearty breakfast and a short break.

  • Following your guide’s instructions, prepare your luggage for the next part of the adventure. Board the motor canoe for a 45-minute journey to “Iripari,” where you’ll witness the transition from the floating forest to the expansive hard earth rainforest as you travel along the Aguarico River toward the border between Ecuador and Peru.

  • Enjoy the spectacle of nature, with an expansive floating forest and diverse flora and fauna. Continue upstream to “Lagartococha” for approximately two hours, where you’ll have the chance to spot monkeys, pink river dolphins, and various bird species. You can even swim alongside the dolphins, providing a unique experience.

  • After a delicious lunch and a beautiful view, the adventure continues until you reach “Redondococha,” where you’ll camp for the next two nights. This area is surrounded by black waters and adjacent to the Igapó Lake, the largest in the Amazon, housing five distinct ecosystems. You’ll help the crew set up your camp in the primary forest, guided by their expertise. 

  • As the sun sets, enjoy a delicious dinner within the heart of the forest. Your guide will provide information about the plans for the following day and invite you to explore the pristine forest during a night exploration.

Day 5: Pink Dolphin Lake, Terra Firme Forest, Meeting Secoya, Small River Journeys, Search for Caimans, Night Walk & Camping

  • You’ll embark on a canoe excursion, navigating through small lagoons that lead to Delfincocha Lake, known for its thriving population of pink dolphins. Here, you’ll have the extraordinary opportunity not only to observe these beautiful creatures but also to swim with them.

  • After your aquatic adventure, return to the campsite for a delicious jungle breakfast. Following a short break, your guide will lead you on a short walk in the “Terra Firme” forest, where you’ll have the privilege of meeting an indigenous group from the ancestral “Secoya” people, providing insight into their cultural heritage.

  • In the afternoon, after a boxed lunch, you’ll once again board your motor canoe to explore the small meandering outlets, serpentine waterways, and mysterious black water lagoons in this unique ecosystem. You’ll enjoy a breathtaking view of the landscape and have the chance to take a refreshing plunge in the lagoon’s cool waters.

  • As evening approaches, you’ll set out to find caimans, distant relatives of crocodiles, hidden just under the water’s surface and among snarled tree roots. During this excursion, you’ll also encounter nocturnal animals like fishing bats, arboreal boas, and nocturnal birds. 

  • To conclude your busy day, return to the campsite where a delicious dinner awaits. You’ll be invited to join your guide for a night walk in search of a variety of insects in the forest’s nighttime embrace.

Day 6: Hidden Gems of Local Communities and Nature’s Wonders

  • The day begins at 6:00 am with an early morning activity in nature, followed by a hearty breakfast back at the campsite. After breakfast, you’ll prepare your equipment and bid farewell to the campsite as you return to the Amazon lodge.

  • Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to visit diverse Amazon communities, gaining insight into their culture and daily lives. You’ll also support local economies by admiring the craftsmanship of local artisans who create masterpieces from materials sourced within the forest. A boxed lunch is provided, and you can take a dip in the inviting waters of the Aguarico River before returning to the lodge.

  • Upon returning to the lodge, you can enjoy the comfort of your rooms, soft beds, and refreshing showers. After getting rested and cleaned up, a delicious homecooked dinner is served.

  • Your guide will assist you with checklists, allowing you to revisit the incredible animals you’ve encountered during your adventure and gain new insights into these remarkable creatures and the forest they inhabit. The guide will be available to answer any questions, deepening your understanding of the captivating world you’ve had the privilege to explore.

Day 7: Return to Civilization: Final Canoe Ride and Jungle Excursion

  • Enjoy one last early excursion into the forest or by canoe with your guide.
  • Return to the lodge for breakfast and pack your bags for the return trip.
  • Take a 2.5-hour canoe ride back to Tierras Orientales, with opportunities for animal sightings and soaking up the beauty of the Cuyabeno rainforest.
  • From Tierras Orientales take the private bus for around 2 hours to Lago Agrio.
  • Arrive in Lago Agrio around 4:00 pm and take your bus or plane back to Quito. If you wish to use the shuttle bus option for your return, the itinerary can be adjusted on the final day to accommodate this.
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The Lodge

When exploring the deep jungle, you'll always need a place to return to. That’s why we’re pleased to partner with this lodge, which will serve as our temporary residence during some of our expedition tours. The lodge, with its traditional design, has everything you need for a comfortable stay while exploring the Cuyabeno Reserve. It offers a social area with a main dining table and a lovely terrace to enjoy the jungle views.

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The Rooms

Some of our expedition tours, like this one, will combine camping with lodging. When staying in the lodge, we want you to have a comfortable experience. After a long day of adventure, there’s nothing better than a cozy bed, a refreshing shower, and a mosquito net to ensure a good night’s sleep. Although we don’t have hot showers, the jungle’s warmth will likely make a cold shower feel refreshing from time to time. The rooms are spacious and well-ventilated, with beds elevated off the floor and equipped with private bathrooms.


Camping in the heart of the Amazon is a unique experience, and we’re here to make it happen for you. Our team will handle all the setup so you can focus on enjoying your holiday. We provide high-quality, well-maintained camping tents, blankets, and camping mattresses to ensure your comfort while you listen to the jungle sounds. Our crew will take care of meal preparation, sanitation, and gear setup. This activity is truly special; the connection you’ll feel with the living jungle is something words can’t fully capture—you’ll have to experience it for yourself!

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We want you to truly discover the jungle. We are passionate about what we do, and our activities will let you experience it firsthand. Our itineraries are designed to offer each traveler the opportunity to explore the Cuyabeno in their own unique way. We offer canoe expeditions, night walks, hikes in the deep jungle, paddle canoeing, local community visits, and more. We have a lot to offer, and we promise to do our utmost to ensure you have an unforgettable time.

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You’re about to visit one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. The Cuyabeno Reserve is home to an incredible variety of species—mammals, insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians— all coexisting in one place, and you’re about to explore their home. Each day and activity will give us the chance to spot as much wildlife as possible. The jungle, in all its splendor, will put on an amazing show. Are you ready?


Pricing & Details

Join the Adventure: Prices for 7-day Cuyabeno Tour!

Join a one-of-a-kind jungle experience with our special itinerary, featuring a mix of lodgings and camping adventures with unforgettable excursions along the way.

2 travelers: $1.200 per person.
3 travelers: $1.050 per person.
4 to 6 travelers: $950 per person.
7 to 10 travelers: $900 per person.

The maximum participants for this tour is 10 travelers.

For those short on time but eager for this Peru Border adventure, we offer a 5-day compact version of this tour; the perfect solution to experience the best of this tour. Contact us for more information!

To ensure the best experience and service, please note that our itineraries may be adjusted without prior notice in response to external conditions or unforeseen events.

Inside Your 7-Day Cuyabeno Tour Package
  • River transport by canoe
  • Land transport: Lago Agrio – Cuyabeno – Lago Agrio
  • Certified naturalist guide – trained in biology and ecotourism who fluently speaks English and Spanish.
  • Camping accommodation includes double tents which comfortably house two people.
  • At our amazon lodge, you will be provided with comfortable rooms that have a private bathroom, twin or queen-sized beds, and shelving. You’ll find biodegradable soap and shampoo in the shower.
    • Mosquito nets to be used at night.
  • Three full meals per day. Includes purified bottled water.
    • Breakfast is served at 8:30am
    • Lunch is served at 1:30pm
    • Dinner is served at 7:00pm
    • Tea, coffee, and hot chocolate are available all day.
    • We cater to vegans and vegetarians!
  • Electricity at night to charge batteries and other devices.
  • Rain ponchos are provided.
  • Rain boots are provided.
Excluded from Your 7-Day Cuyabeno Tour Package
  • Transport, via bus or plane, from Quito – Lago Agrio – Quito
  • Additional beverages not included with meals, or additional alcoholic beverages (beers, wines, cocktails, etc.)
  • Breakfast on the first day and dinner on the last day.
  • The observation tower is run by the neighboring community and costs an additional $6 per person.
  • Visits to the local communities are an addition $6 per person.
  • Binoculars (can be rented at the lodge for $10 per day)
  • Tips for our guides, canoe drivers, and staff.
Camping Details

During your stay, you’ll have the pleasure of staying in cozy tents furnished with comfortable mattresses, sheets, blanket, and pillow. The mattresses measure 80 cm by 2 meters, and have a thickness of 5 cm. These mattresses have been carefully chosen to ensure a good night’s rest in the midst of the enchanting surroundings. 

As for shower facilities, we rely on the natural beauty of the nearby river for bathing. To maintain the ecological balance, we strongly encourage the use of biodegradable soap, which we’ll gladly provide. Additionally, we’ll supply you with a towel, though you’re welcome to bring your own for added convenience.

Regarding bathroom facilities, we’ve created a thoughtfully designed structure nestled in the forest, offering a comfortable seating arrangement. Furthermore, we’ve implemented a considerate voting system that allows us to rotate the location periodically, ensuring a fresh and pleasant atmosphere.

We provide a reliable power generator during your camping trip, ensuring your electronic devices never run out of battery. 

Our dedicated tour crew consists of four members, though the team size may vary based on the group’s size and needs. All meals will be provided by a cook, also according to any dietary wishes.

How to Get to the Cuyabeno: Best Options

Check the best transportation options to arrive at the Cuyabeno Reserve.